awaken your soul’s purpose

~ Experience The Wisdom Of The Tarot

~ Experience The Wisdom Of The Tarot


1-Hour Personal Tarot Card Reading Via Zoom


Your Self-Paced 6-Module Online Program


Weekly Live Spiritual Lifestyle Classes


1:1 Mentoring & Healing Packages


1:1 Therapy & Healing Packages

Your soul-led journey begins here…


Tarot is both a portal into your subconscious mind & a powerful way to gain messages from your spirit guides, providing wisdom to get back on the path that is best for you. We all veer off from time to time, that’s the human experience. Tarot Readings enable you to:

  • Gain CLARITY on a situation from a fresh perspective

  • Receive GUIDANCE to move easily through a challenge

  • DISCOVER the most probable outcome of a situation

  • Find out what’s stopping your DREAMS from coming true

  • Deepen your SELF-AWARENESS


There is nothing better than living life aligned with your soul’s purpose. I know this for sure, because I do this... and I used to not do this! Living aligned with your soul is how juicy life adventures effortlessly become your opportunities. Whilst simultaneously allowing abundance, love, happiness and success to reveal itself, as you navigate your personal path. 

The PURPOSE PORTAL is a step by step guide to discover how you can best serve this world with your unique gifts (& find more and more of those gifts!). You can wake up feeling excited to jump out of bed with passion every day. Are you ready to discover the life you were born to live!

This self-paced 6-module online program comes with complementary LIVE support available from Fiona.

You’re a star & the world needs your light!


If you dare to walk a road less travelled, or are questioning and releasing out-dated societal norms, and know you were ‘meant for more’… it’s a sign that you're ready to up-level! These classes offer a refreshing, entertaining and supportive hub for those seeking a more meaningful and conscious life path. 

You’ll receive insightful and intuitive guidance, energetic healing transmissions and practical tools to leverage your personal and spiritual growth. COSMIC CONSULTING is your inspiring forum, enabling you to embody the ride of life’s twists and turns, trauma and triumph, and learn to lead with love, as you lean into your deeper soul’s purpose.

We welcome you to join our weekly COSMIC CONSULTING classes!


These 1:1 mentoring sessions blend Energetic Healing and Intuitive Foresight - guiding and supporting you in business and life, for the purpose of expansion, deeper happiness and success. I intuitively see into your life journey - the struggles, triggers and triumphs. Together we unpack your obstacles, and awaken your flame within. 

Available in-person and via zoom. Choose to work through a 8-week immersion for an overall life reset OR as regular mentoring (fortnightly or monthly) for support and direction as you navigate the journey of human life on your soul’s purpose. Are you ready to live your best life!

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise so I am changing myself.”



Freedom, flow and fun is your birth-right. You can overcome challenges with relationships, money, self-esteem, anxiety, past trauma and sabotaging behaviours using SOULALIGN THERAPY - a conscious creation + energetic transformational process of replacing limiting beliefs with life-enhancing beliefs, at a subconscious level. Our beliefs are powerful!

SOULALIGN THERAPY enables you to get clear on the root cause of your excessive challenges, life struggles, irrational fears, difficulty in moving forward in life, lack of self-love and other blocks and limiting subconscious beliefs that are causing extra stress, unhappiness + physical/emotional pain.

SOULALIGN THERAPY is used for rapid and lasting change, in order to achieve personal growth, happiness and success. Are you ready to release the shackles of the past?